So along with writing more, typing up my backlog, etc., I’m also trying to do better at crossposting. One of these got mentioned before but is now also on my website and not just AO3.
- Take Care (K): AO3, Website
Yata seriously considered grabbing Saruhiko’s knife and stabbing him. Except that would defeat the entire purpose of carefully wrapping every injury in antiseptic and gauze, regardless of how much it stung. [Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki]
Written for Happy Belated Treatmas 2019 for my dear friend in fandom, geckoholic. Who prompted some of my favorites for the Hurt Comfort Exchange when I really wasn’t up to adding another exchange to the docket. Months later, behold! Fushimi/Yata hurt/comfort with some how does one have sex around the bruises and also lots and lots of unspoken feelings because that’s how they roll.
- In Small Moments (Bourne): AO3, Website
“Are you comfortable with this assignment?” her supervisor asked, and she was not unintelligent.
She looked thoughtful for a moment, processing all the implications—it would do no good to have them assume her an airhead or even blindly devoted to the cause; it was a delicate balance to strike—then nodded. “Yes.” [Nicky Parsons/Jason Bourne]
- Movement (BSD): AO3, Website
He’d had friends and now he had nothing. [Dazai Osamu]
Okay, so I took one look at the prompt about not wanting to move on and Dazai was just it. He lost his friends, and he moved on from the Port Mafia, but in a way, he didn’t really move on from that. It’s what drives him today. Also, angst.
- Untouchable (Toaru/X-Men Movieverse): AO3, Website
Rogue was just a teenage girl who couldn’t touch anyone. Accelerator was just a teenage boy no one could touch. [Rogue +/Accelerator]
So the prompt was your first favorite character and your latest favorite character and I hadn’t actually thought about how well these two would complement each other from an ability perspective. It probably should have kept more of the Toaru setting, but I gravitated toward Xavier’s school and of course that meant Accelerator has classmates and a slightly better present (okay, a million times better) than where he started from in Toaru, so I did soften him up minutely to reflect that, hopefully in line with his personality from slightly better present in Toaru but without having all the softening up he gets in that canon from Last Order and Accel family.
I can’t imagine anyone else being strongly interested in this, but it was actually really nice writing Rogue again, however briefly. I hadn’t planned to, it just came out, but I’m actually kinda happy with it.