Like lots of stuff: I wrote two poems: “Arm in Arm” and “Spark”. I updated my continuity wiki with a bunch of stuff, but particularly worked on adding my starter vocabulary for Akachenti. Also wrote up a basic summary of the mythic stuff in my head, complete with typos and missing story detail. Tried to […]
Read more...Month: June 2017
Spark (poem)
All it takes to make us burn Is one bright spark we didn’t earn One hot glance and one white night An ember born ‘fore morning light For this prompt: Promptly Lyrical #012
Read more...Promptly Lyrical #012
Write a poem about All it takes is just one little spark, feel it, from me” — “50,000 Candles Burning” by Meredith Brooks Poems do not have to match the prompt exactly. Prompts are only meant to inspire and be a jumping off point for your own creativity. Poems can be posted in the comments […]
Read more...Worldbuilding June Masterpost
Prompts: (These will be linked to the post on which I write on the topic.) 1. Introduction 2. Geography 3. People & Races 4. History 5. Civilization & Architecture 6. Gender/Sexuality 7. Economy 8. Hierarchy, Power, & Governance 9. Religion & Cosmology 10. Holidays & Traditions 11. Language 12. Fauna 13. Flora 14. Food 15. […]
Read more...#Worldbuilding June Meme
Potentially of interest: 30 days of worldbuilding prompts with some catch-up to do but I just might do this.
Read more...Arm in Arm (poem)
Joy is when we say hello We breathe the air another breathes We wrap our arms, for as we go We are one in everything Happiness is the way we walk The road together where’er it leads We laugh at night, by day we talk And always care for the other’s needs Friendship is how […]
Read more...true (poem)
today is quite a lovely day in the most significant way the way that means I spoke to you and knew again our friendship true
Read more...State of the Scribbler
So I’ve found a handy dandy little scheduler for poetry-related posts, and hope to continue posting 2-3 prompts a week and a conversation post which will stand in for the original daily share posts. There didn’t seem to be enough demand for daily sharing poetry, so how about weekly? *The only thing wrong with the […]
Read more...Let’s Talk Poetry
This is the weekly poetry chat post. Share what you’re loving about poetry, what’s frustrating you, where you find your inspiration. Are you reading any good poetry? Anything that made you want to write a poem in response? Anything that moved you to anger, to tears, to delight, to fascination? Are you writing any poetry? […]
Read more...Promptly Biblical #011
Write a poem about “Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.” — Job 41:19 Poems do not have to match the prompt exactly. Prompts are only meant to inspire and be a jumping off point for your own creativity. Poems can be posted in the comments directly or linked […]